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Technology of cooking borscht with goby fish

Technology of cooking borscht with goby fish





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We show the ancient recipe and technology of cooking Matviivskyi borscht with goby fish

One legend says that, once upon a time, a local witch fell in love with a fisherman who was not responding to her feelings. So, she decided to bewitch him. She put a spell on the goby fish and cooked his favorite dish – borscht – with them, and in this way bewitched her beloved person for an eternal love. Since then, all women have been cooking this borscht, and every skillful woman makes it of an excellent taste which has a magical effect on her man

Season :

Spring, Summer, Autumn,

Seating capacity :


Duration of the service :

4 hours

Guest requirements & Cancellation rules :

Booking at least 1 day in advance

Working hours :

11:00 – 15:00

Resting Days :

Monday-Friday, Sunday

Min and Max number of visitors :



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