Wild steppe chimeras





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Wild steppe chimeras

Creative space provides an opportunity for creative self-realization, taking into account the individual abilities and passions of a person, and engagement of visitors in the different activities that takes place in a variety of locations. The location territorially occupies a coastal area, which is symbolic, since the way of life, crafts, and daily life of local residents are closely connected with the big river. From ancient times to the Soviet period (transportation of grain and vegetables by barges), the river was the main way of transporting important goods, an irreplaceable source of food products (fish) and building material (reeds), protection from danger. The skills and traditions carried by local residents deserve special attention and preservation. They will allow all visitors to the Prybuzhia area to experience the unique flavor of the dry southern steppe oasis created by Pivdennyi Buh river. The created space will provide an opportunity to recreate the atmosphere of different historical periods. After all, the place where the creative space is organized is the place where the Cimmerians lived in ancient times, and later the Scythians, Slavic tribes, Cossack families and settlers. In this place, traditional household activities developed and have survived to our time: fishing and its gear, blacksmithing, wickerwork. For women, in addition to everyday housework, embroidery, weaving, painting and making toys were more typical. The authentic local cuisine, which includes dishes characteristic of the southern region, is unique. All the activities mentioned will be presented at the planned master classes.

Season :

Spring, Summer, Autumn,

Seating capacity :


Duration of the service :

7 hours

Guest requirements & Cancellation rules :


Working hours :

11:00 - 18:00

Resting Days :


Min and Max number of visitors :



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