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Photo contest "Tourism, Heritage and Creativity"

Georgian Arts and Culture Center (GACC) and its partner organizations - European Institute for Cultural Tourism (Eureka NPO) and Mykolaiv Development Fund (FDM) together with Studio "ArtEast" are glad to announce an international photo competition on the theme "Tourism, Heritage and Creativity".
The photo competition serves to promote the creative tourism destinations of the Black Sea Basin countries and regions- Georgia, Bulgaria - Oblast of Dobrich and Ukraine - Oblast of Mykolaiv, and is carried out within the framework of the "Tourism, Heritage and Creativity" (THC1130) project aiming development of heritage- and culture-based creative tourism in the Black Sea Basin region.
The concept of Creative Tourism is defined as a: “Tourism which offers visitors the opportunity to develop their creative potential through active participation in courses and learning experiences, which are characteristic of the holiday destination where they are taken.” (Raymond & Richards, 2000). The Creative Tourism is considered a new generation of tourism that involves the tourists themselves and the locals in the creation of the tourist product (co-creation). (Creative Tourism Network®)
The project "Tourism, Heritage and Creativity" (THC 1130) is carried out with the support of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 and is funded by the European Union.
Terms and guidelines of the contest:
Submitted works should reflect the directions of creative tourism in Georgia, Bulgaria - Oblast of Dobrich and Ukraine- Oblast of Mykolaiv and following content - traditional craftsmanship, gastronomy and wine, social practices, rituals and festive events, performing arts, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe, art residences and others. Preference will be given to photographs that showcase not only the rich resources and beautiful landscapes of the region, but also the interactions between the tourist and the local community. In addition, submitted photos can show the Black Sea Basin as a joint reflection of a natural cultural heritage.
• Any interested person can participate.
• The competition photo must be taken by the contestant.
• The number of competition photos uploaded by one contestant should not exceed five.
• Photos taken with a mobile phone will also be accepted in the contest.
• Photos must be in JPG format and the size must not exceed 5 megabytes.
• Preferably, photos should have 16:9 aspect ratio and 1920×1080 pixels size
• Contest photos should be sent to the following address: bsbphotocontest@gmail.com
• Letter must include the author's name, surname, e-mail, mobile number, photo title, brief description to the photo including location and time of taking.
The submissions will close on May 22, 2023.
The winning photos will be announced on May 30, 2023.
As a result of the contest, 9 winning photographers will be revealed in total (3 selected by each partner). Furthermore, depending on the number of submissions received, additional winning photographs may be selected.
The author retains the copyright to the winning photos in the competition, however by participating in the competition, they agree to give the partner organizations implementing the project the right to use them for non-commercial purposes (on the website, banner, poster, flyer, etc.). 
Photos will be judged on relevance to the competition theme, creative vision and artistic value.
The winning photos will be published on the website: www.tourndo.com.
The applicant is responsible for the right to capture and publish the person, environment or work depicted in the photograph.
By participating in the contest, the contestant agrees to the terms of the contest.
for more information please visit: https://www.gaccgeorgia.org/Crafts/HTC/attachment%20T3.5%20Terms%20and%20guidelines%20of%20the%20photo%20contest.pdf

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